Monday, April 19, 2010

Pippin's POV: Worse Than Getting Underwear for Christmas

Oh, the shame! Oh, the humiliation! I can't believe what has happened to me! Maybe the reason it feels so bad is that it started out sounding so good. My Mrs. Owner told me she was going to the Cowboy WalMart to get me a present. Present? I love presents! I was so excited. Maybe she was going to get me some apple flavored treats? Maybe she was going to get me a bubble gum flavored play ball? Maybe she was going to get me a new brush that would scritch the itchy spots? An-ti-ci-pa-tion, An-ti-ci-pa-a-tion (I'm singing it) made me do happy dances all day. And comes Mrs. Owner....oh yes, she has something in her hand....

It's not a bag of treats.
It's not a ball. 
 It's not a new brush. 
It's Super Muzzle!

Oh, the ignominy. 

 Get it off!!! Get it off!!!
I can't eat! I can't breathe!
I'm gonna call the ASPCA!
I'm gonna call PETA!


  1. Hahahah!!!! The miffed look is perfected!

    My husband's mare needs one of those before she becomes the Goodyear blimp out on the pasture this summer.

  2. Ahah. My friends gelding has to wear one on grass and the first 10 minutes it's on he acts like hes soooo insulted and just makes faces at you.

  3. Oh Pippin. I sympathize. I have to wear one of those hideous things too. When my owner opens the pasture gate, I just stand next to her and in my sad eyes I say "won't you please take this thing off?" It's a cruel world....Marley, fellow muzzle sufferer.

  4. Hahahaha Bonnie has one too... except she destroyed it!!!!

  5. It's hard not to give in to those faces....ach, the eyes! Then, if I ignore those pleas, I get prodded....'Hey, mom, take this off, will ya?'
    Haven't put him out alone with it yet, just have done some hand grazing. Since he gets his halter and bridle off when left to his own devices, I don't know how long this will stay on!

  6. Yeah. . .I got some of the same faces from Shy! Poor Haffies!


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