Friday, October 12, 2012

Please Stand By

Living a Dream will be "Off the Air" or will only appear sporadically during the month of October. Dreaming is off on a number of adventures and will often have limited or no access to the World Wide Web. Can you imagine that?! Please be patient. Dreaming will come back on line whenever she can and will share her adventures with you at that time.


  1. Oh have fun....I love adventures too, and mostly I love hearing and seeing other people's adventures too! Enjoy!!!!

  2. Have fun!! I will look forward to reading about your adventures when you return! You will be missed :)

  3. Dreaming will be missed! Samson says thank you for all the good thoughts you sent. Feeling better.

  4. Have fun! You can tell us all about it later:)

  5. Enjoy, and it is wonderful to know that there is a world out there outside the web, yes? Take care, and HAVE FUN!!!


  6. Missing your posts! Hope all is well with you.

  7. I hope it will be a needed break and that you'll come back with lots to share!



What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....