Friday, May 21, 2010

Farewell Good Friend

December 22, 1998 - May 21, 2010

Good-bye sweet boy
No more suffering
No more pain
Romp and play
Be young again


  1. Awwww. I'm sorry for your loss. I have a dog named Monty too, and he's quite old. I never know if he'll make it through the day. Today he disappeared for the majority of the day and I worried he may have passed away in the dog house, but he's deaf and just didn't hear me calling him. When I shook him, he woke up and came in for his dinner. However, I suspect I'll have to be doing a tribute post like this for him soon.

  2. I am so sorry for your loss. I just lost one of mine too. It is so hard.

    His pictures are wonderful and he looks like he was a great companion.

  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Having recently said goodbye to our Best Dog Ever, Cowboy, I know the pain and loss you feel. For so long there has been a hole in my hallway where Cowboy liked to hang out, and although it still looks empty, it eventually fades.

    May you be surrounded by love and those that can relate. Our pets are ever bit as much a member of our family as any human ever is.

    I'll be thining of your good dog Monty tomorrow and walk in both his and Cowboy's honor.



  4. Sorry for your loss. He looks like a good, sweet boy.

  5. I'm very sorry for you loss and sadness. I wish dogs like Monty had longer life spans. They are such good friends and beloved family members. You were kind to let him go when it was his time.

  6. Sorry for your loss. Sooo hard to say goodbye. Hope the warm memories help you heal.

  7. Thanks for all the kind words. I was out of town....which was rather nice as I didn't miss my pal as much. But it was very hard to come home to a silent house without my tail-wagging, knee-killing guy.


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