Sunday, September 8, 2019

Tabled Again!

When we moved to California we knew that we wanted to get a "real" dining room table. Well, actually what we wanted was a table to eat at in the "great room" (that isn't all that great) but something that would seat more than four people comfortably, or six people awkwardly.

We had moved the antique family chairs I painted and the table I embellished to California, but it wasn't really large enough. And, it wasn't the look I wanted in this house, in this room.

So, then we began our quest. We/ I looked online. It is tough to imagine what tables really look like when you see pictures online. We visited "discount" furniture shops. Nothing looked/felt appropriate. We stopped by a Danish furniture resale shop. We loved a few of the tables and sets of chairs, fine modern furniture from the 60's, and priced as such... and not really my style. Finally we stopped at Fenton MacLeron a furniture shop in Berkeley. I can't tell you how many times I drove by this shop. I thought it specialized in "Mission" style oak furniture. How surprising that they have so many other options!

The final choice
The shop has so many different tables that we spent hours walking back and forth and vacillating between different tables and different chairs. We left one day, putting a hold on the round table. We came back the next, and decided we wanted the rectangular table. Oh, but wait, here's another rectangular table with prettier legs. Here's one with a pedestal. And so it went.

We did the same thing with chairs. I felt like we were reliving Goldilocks. This chair is too tall. This chair is too straight. This chair doesn't feel good on my back. On and on... back and forth, and back again!

After a lot of deliberation we finally selected a table and chairs that we both liked! Ta-daaa! New table! New chairs!


  1. You found a great store with so many options. Is that your new table and chairs in the photo? Very pretty.

  2. Looks perfect to me but I really like your old table! :)


What thoughts do you have?

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