Friday, July 26, 2019

I Have a Feeling We're Not in Kansas (Florida...Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona) Anymore

After 10 days and over 3100 miles we have arrived at our house in Point Richmond, CA. However, it may be "our" house... but the dogs have never been here before. They don't know that this is "our" house. They were very confused for a bit of time.

When we arrived in the neighborhood (recall, we moved from one house to another in December. We moved about 125 feet. The dogs were not with us when we moved, and had not been with us when we occupied the "new" house.) we pulled into the parking area of the new home. We let the dogs out... well, we opened the door to the truck. Tucker jumped out and with a certain degree of hesitation and confusion, began to head down the street to our former home. Gypsy refused to leave the truck!

Finally after three days they are beginning to settle into the house and back into the routines we established last year.

Of course,  a visit from "their" boy made everything better!


  1. I bet it was confusing to them. Sweet dogs. Sweet boy/man.

  2. They will settle in okay after a bit...they need lots of love and treats!


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....