Thursday, September 8, 2016

Walking on the Edge

Sewing is wonderful, but it isn't exactly aerobic. One day I did log 3.3 miles walking from the embroidery machine to the quilting machine and back.... and forth.... and back.... and forth. But, generally, I don't get enough exercise while sewing.


I decided I needed to start my day with a walk. I live "on the edge". That is, I live right next to suburbia, but I am fortunate to be "almost country"! My home is in the upper right corner of this picture, and you can see where suburbia begins to encroach on us in the lower left corner. 

Suburbia has a beautiful network of paved trails. But there isn't great access from my home. In the past I have driven down to a park in the populated area, where I could access the trail, but it is a bit of a pain. Luckily for me, the farms/ranches/ranchettes just south of me left easements between their pastures, and I can walk along those. The green dotted lines show my options for walking along the easements or along the roads. 

Each "leg" is a bit more than a quarter of a mile in length, and I can change my route following any of the paths. The easements are partially mowed. The terrain is up and down hills (there is a 100 foot change in elevation!) Some of the pathways have serious erosion that makes walking a bit of a challenge. But, it is beautiful....

Why don't I take you along with me?!

I have always loved these red barns....

And, the view of the mountains to the west can be spectacular!

Once I'm off the road I have not encountered another two legged creature. I did see another dog taking his human for a walk in the distance, and when I'm on the road I am occasionally overtaken by a runner or I meet someone on a bike. 

Even though I've not seen another human, I am not alone! 

Ducks frequent a pond in the lower right quadrant.

 A buck checks me out as I trudge up one of the hills.

Yearling cows are curious as I walk by. 
(See suburbia in the background?)

 I find this ant colony to be fascinating. 
Nothing grows in a 6' diameter circle around the ant nest.

Two does watch my approach.
Once a doe held her ground and stomped her little hoof at me!
When I stomped back, she turned tail.

 This property owner, on the edge of civilization,
has horses... and a deer.
(Yes, we have a lot of deer.)

The young buck has decided he'd like to leave. I'm too close.

On this walk I surprised the yearlings when they were close to the fence.

This pasture has some sheep (almost as wide as they are tall) and 
a llama (on the right) who acts as a guard animal.

These fine fellows are carrying beautiful racks, still in velvet.
Soon they will scrape that skin off and become more aggressive.

Glad you could come along. It's time to head out for another walk. I wonder what I will see today?


  1. You have the perfect walk lined up there, so many wonderful animal encounters and such pretty scenery. I hope suburbia does not crawl any closer.

    1. I do enjoy the solitude of my walks. It is a lovely place to get out and enjoy the world. I know that our property can not be subdivided - so I hope the other properties are the same way. It is nice to have the convenience of suburbia, and even nicer to not have it on top of us. From our house, we don't even see it.


What thoughts do you have?

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