Saturday, July 2, 2016


Allietare means "to delight, gladden". 
It can also mean "to be delighted, rejoice."
It is also the name of Bonnie Hunter's 2015 mystery quilt.
Which, I am delighted to report, I have finally (almost) completed!

I am rejoicing, truly!!

This quilt was my first mystery quilt, and it was great fun.  Just after Halloween Bonnie posted paint chip numbers, and yardage requirements for the quilt. 

Lowe's had a run on paint chips!

Then, on Black Friday, the games cutting and sewing began. I posted about the first week of Allietare here. Each week we received new instructions, with the final reveal just after Christmas. I did as much as I could before we "flew" south for the winter, we being snowbirds. When we returned, I continued snipping, and sewing, and trimming, and sewing some more, until I finished the "flimsy". 

Then, Mr. Dreamy talked me into buying a longarm sewing machine. Oh. What. Fun! My Allietare quilt found its way onto the longarm after a few table runners and a small throw. It sure beats trying to push a quilt around my regular sewing machine!

I also had the opportunity to attend a HandiQuilter workshop, where our instructor demonstrated sewing the binding on with the longarm machine. Oh. My. Gosh! How easy is this?!! 

Sew, now I have to finish the binding. I haven't mastered doing that by machine! Time to pick up my needle and thread!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's the first "scrappy" quilt I've done. Mr. Dreamy says it is "bright"!!

  2. That is a invention I can appreciate. I still have my grandmother's quilting frame that hangs from the ceiling.

    1. I can only admire women who cut, pieced and quilted by hand. What a labor of love!

  3. Wow what a machine, I bet you will crank out quilts now!! :)


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