Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tucker Talks: Made Ya Move

You. Would. Not. Believe. What. I. Got. To. Do. Today!!
I got to play with sheep! I have wanted to play with sheep forever and ever and ever! So, my mom and my dad took me to a herding E-valution.... whatever that is!
The main guy... they called him the trainer.... came out of the round pen and said, "Let me have that big Aussie."
"Huh?" I woofed, "Are you talking about me?" I was about to object to his calling me 'big' when he slipped a noose rope around my neck and I was taken into the round pen. My Dad came with me. There were some strange animals in there. I wasn't sure what they were. Finally, it all clicked... these were those sheep guys I had been told about. Here's a movie of me when I first got into the pen:

You can see I wasn't exactly sure what to do. The trainer guy actually had to put the sheep's foot in my face... giving me a chance to smell the sheep's butt... why, I wonder, don't people understand the butt sniffing thing?!!

After a bit I became more comfortable about pushing these guys around. I love the way these big fuzzy guys listened to me! I barked. They moved! I gave them the evil eye.... they moved! How cool is that?!!

I want some sheeps of my own!


  1. Way to go Tucker!! Yes you should get some sheeps! :)

    1. Tucker says he would love some sheep! Mom and Dad have talked about it... but no action ,yet!

  2. Tucker is living his sheep dream! Looks like he is have a wonderful time.

    1. He LOVED it! I did too. It was fun to see that brain 'connect'!

  3. Doggie bliss! Love the videos!

  4. Wow, you sure are a fast learner. You must have felt a great sense of power doing that successfully:)

    Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

    1. Hmmm... you are right. It is all about power! I try to push my mom and dad around all of the time. I even try to push the cat around. It doesn't work. But... with the sheep, well, that's another story! I did have 'the power'!

  5. Now you need some sheep of your own! :)

    1. I would love some sheep... well, actually, I'd love the lambs!

  6. Looks like fun Tucker! My aussie Maia thinks she is herding goats everyday here. She runs up and down the pasture fence line with the goats standing just out of reach!

    1. Tucker does the same thing with the horses. He thinks his barking on the other side of the fence makes them move.
      He really seemed to love the sheep, once he figured out what to do!

  7. Onyx here: Tucker I did the same thing when I had a sheep intro many years ago. Actually I hightailed it outa the pen! They brought me back in had Mom push a sheep and the rest was history. Had a blast making those sheeps move.

    1. Tucker here... I tried to leave, too, but I couldn't figure out how to get out of the round pen. Once both my mom and dad came in the pen with me I felt a bit better.... and then, suddenly it all clicked. I can't wait to find some sheep to move, again!

  8. How cool is THAT!!! Man, I want a sheep too!



    1. Ya know... it was really, really, really cool! Maybe you can visit and we can go play with sheep!


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