Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Haffies' Hallmark Moment

Easter Haflingers are on their way,
Pulling the heavy Easter sleigh
Full of eggs and treats galore.
You thought cute little bunnies did this chore?

I hope you and your family have a 
wonderful Easter!

This week's Saturday Centus challenge was to use 25 words to create the innards for a greeting card. I think we were to use Jenny's illustration... but I couldn't resist... I had to bend the rules a bit! 

To read other responses to the challenge, visit Jenny Matlock's ... off on my tangent blog. 


  1. Glad you bent the rules, the Easter Haflingers are the best :)
    Happy Easter to you as well.

  2. I love it! Hoping there's a big chocolate bunny in the sleigh for me! Happy Easter:@)

  3. Yay. Well done. Love the horses! And of course we all know that the E-bunny isn't strong enough to deliver all those eggs! :)

  4. Oh they are so pretty! This was a cute post!~Happy Easter to ya!~Ames

  5. Love your poem, very clever and made me smile !!!

  6. It is really fun to discover all your wonderful talents, little by little as I get to know you better. That's a great poem, perfect for a greeting card. And I am totally falling in love with your Haflinger.

  7. The bunny should feel some pressure now. Those Haffies are some steep competition. As for me, I'd prefer their visit.Congrats on 100 followers. Happy Easter! Give those big bunnies a carrot for me. (Oops. Wendell just heard that!)

  8. You should have said Haffy Easter! So I will say Haffy Easter to you and your haffies and Tucker too:)

  9. Happy Easter to you & your adorable Haffies!!

  10. Cute rhyme and cute photo. Thanks!


  11. Awwww. So cute! Love those boys.

  12. They do make sweet bunny look-alikes! Happy Easter to you! (SO glad you have your coffee this morning, too. I TOTALLY understand the crisis there).

  13. You mean they DON'T??? And all this time I thought...

  14. Move over Easter bunny! LOL! Great rhyme!

  15. Geez, why are the only commercials like this for Christmas! I would definitely like to see one made pulling an Easter sleigh!

    Super cute!

    Love your writing.


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