Friday, April 6, 2012

D'ya Think She'll Notice?


What is it, Pippin?
I'm trying to sleep.

Look...there's your dinner.
Our Mrs. Owner left it outside the stall.
That really wasn't nice of her to
take your food away on account of
you being a little late to come in to the barn.

I have to admit I didn't like that...
But the green grass was soooo good.
It was almost worth missing dinner! 

Ya know, if I stretch my neck..
and my lips...
I just might be able to reach the food.

My neck is longer than yours.
Let me try.

Maybe it'll help if I push you from behind.

A--al--al--almost got it.
Push a little harder.

Uh oh.

Got it!
D'ya think she'll notice?

Ya gotta love drafty horses!
If it doesn't move ...
push a little harder!

The boys bent the plywood and metal door to the stall.
They bent the latch that holds the door closed.
They escaped!
Apparently they enjoyed the feed
and a night 'out on the town'....
well, a night out in the yard (with lots of green grass!)
They left some fertilizer and footprints behind.
The escapees were apprehended and returned
to their cells stalls in the morning. 


  1. Oh my gosh! Too funny! I can't stop laughing!! Those two are hilarious!

    Love the drawings, what program do you use? I tried doing some drawings with Shy in Paint, but I am awful at it!

  2. LOL! Animals are so funny. THey remind me of my 'boys'...Winston and Dixie. So funny. Good drawings too.

    Cindy Bee

  3. Yes, your drawings are awesome! Kind of laughing with the boys, sorry:)

  4. Camryn here: I'm so proud of you guys! Awesome jailbreak, next time maybe come for a visit?

  5. It's always somethin' when you've got horses! lol

  6. Oh my! You've sure got your hands full with those two!



  7. Now those are smart horses! And you are an artist!


  8. hahaha! I can't tell you how many times Rosie has escaped in the past. She's much better now but I make sure any new enclosures have at least one line of electric tape - and she has a full stall door, not a dutch door, or stall guard things.

  9. That is adorable and the drawings are great. Loved this post! I thin there's a books here. If you can find the time.

  10. At least they stayed in the yard! Boys will be boys:)

  11. Such naughty boys!
    You should write a children's book. It would be delightful!

  12. LOL! That is too funny. Well not the escape and damage, but the story and drawings, awesome. :D


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