Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Horrible Harvest Yields Rewards

I enjoy a challenge. I find playing with words fascinating. I admire writers who paint amazing pictures and evoke emotion deep in my soul, simply by the way they craft their work. 

How wonderful to be selected as the Runner Up in the October challenge at WEP!

The Judge, Nick Wilford, added this comment:

"Takes a sideways look at a difficult subject and does it in a way that it doesn't lose any of the impact. Really well done."

Gosh, I wish my High School English teacher could see this! He never liked my writing!

Click on the badge above to see other Horrible Harvest entries.


  1. Congratulations Cyndi - well done ... a different take on alcoholic annihilation ... cheers on your Runner Up Award - Hilary

    1. Thanks for stopping by, reading and commenting! I had so much fun writing the piece.

  2. Congratulations Cuz ... as a recovering alcoholic I rewally felt the whole piece and as I said before, apples will never look the same to me!


What thoughts do you have?

What is Four?

Have you ever thought of the meaning of "four"?  Four is the number of: seasons in a year. corners and sides to a square. virtues....