Thursday, August 1, 2019

Some Like it Hot

Or... We Are in Hot Water Now!

So, we sorta moved into our new home, just down the street from our previous home, in December. I think we spent about 5 days in the new home before returning to Florida. I flew back for a week in February, and then again in June/July. One thing we noticed was just how long it would take for hot water to actually reach the faucet in the kitchen, or the shower in the Master Bath. We'd set the shower,  then go get undressed, and grab a towel, and look for special shampoo. We'd test the water... still not hot. So we'd go find the shower scrubby, and the special shower cleaner, then test the water... still not hot. So we'd go back to the closet to get the bath robe, and brush our teeth... and finally, we'd stick a toe in the water and it was warm! Hallelujah!

OK, so we chalked it up to this being what it was... until we looked at the water heater in the garage. It had an extra piece on it. Upon inspection we learned that it was a water circulation pump (Oh, how I love the Internet!). It was set to circulate the hot water through the pipes in the morning and in the evening. However... that was not happening!

Our Realtor was kind enough to give us a home warranty. There is a $75 per repair charge. We didn't expect much, but called the number.  Shortly after we received a phone call; the repair guy was on his way. He arrived shortly thereafter. He quickly assessed the problem, cleaned the impellers on the recirculating pump, and we found ourselves in hot water in less than an hour!!

Now, when it is time to wash dishes, or take a shower, or wash our hands.... we have instant hot water. It makes us both smile!

(OK... so this may not be such a huge deal where you live, but water is at a premium in Northern California.  Every drop that is lost going down the drain makes me cringe. Now... no cringing as I wait!)

P.S. Three days later the pump failed. Picture a sad face. No more instant hot water. Back to waiting. However, the good news is that the service is guaranteed. So, we'll see Mr. Repair Guy when he returns for a visit!

1 comment:

  1. aww cold water is no fun. Seems like that Hot Water heater has lots of straps and connections:)


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