Wednesday, August 21, 2019


One summer, quite a few years ago, I worked at a Girl Scout camp in Rhode Island. I was the director of the horseback riding program at this small camp. (Some day perhaps I should chronicle my experiences there!) In addition to horseback riding we had other activities, including the requisite campfires. I am reminded daily of one of the songs we used to sing around the campfire as I putter around the house, or walk the dogs in the nearby park. I am always enthralled/ amazed/ curious/ entertained/ intrigued by the boats that go in and out of the channel in front of our home, or sail on the other side of the breakwater. And, as the boats float by, the song "Barges" always comes to mind.

We get to watch sailboat races, with boats of all sizes.
Here is the ferry entering the channel.
The ferry began service in January. The terminal is only 3 miles from our house!
A car carrier at the dock, unloading hundreds of new automobiles.
The dredge has been working the channel for weeks. It is highly entertaining!
And, another view of the dredge , on a sunnier day (with fog beyond it)
and an ocean going oil tanker (?) heading into the port at Richmond, just two miles beyond "our" channel.
All manner of sailboats go in and out. We see tiny 8-10 foot boats in races,
and larger boats with their colorful spinnakers.
A tug and either the harbor captain heading out, or a Coast Guard boat.
Tiny tug.
This colorful tug used to be moored by the park near our house.
The car carriers are huge!
There are at least three carriers that come in and out.

I think this carries cargo in its hold!
Our windows provide a never-ending tableau of ships of all sizes, day and night!


  1. We loved watching barges on the Mississippi. Fascinating.

  2. I would love watching them come and go! Hope you like your new house!

  3. It looks like you're in a beautiful part of the world with lots going on around you - or perhaps out to sea! Enjoy those views -cheers Hilary


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