Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day and More

For many years Mother's Day was simply a smack in the face: a brazen reminder of my repeated failures to carry a child to term. Although the day presents us with the opportunity to reflect upon our own mothers, and to celebrate their love, it can also bring sadness for those of us who have lost our moms, and for those who yearn to be a mother but can not, and for those, perhaps, who become mothers under unfortunate circumstances. 

After several years, failed attempts and medical intervention, I was finally able to have two wonderful boys. 

They are the light of my life. I cherish all of the memories of their lives as my children and I am in awe of the wonderful men they have grown to be. Son #1 has married, and thus bestowed upon me the title of "Mother-in-Law",  further enriching my role as a mother.

And Son #1 and DIL are soon going to have their own wee one...
and I will be a Grandmother!

Z's mom communicates with "The Little One"

Such blessings!

On another note....

It seems we have begun a new Mother's Day tradition here in Colorado.
Last year, we celebrated the day with snow.

This year we had a repeat performance.
This is what my tulip bed (featured in the previous post)
looks like this morning.
Oh - notice the beautiful fence Mr. Dreamy installed,
so we could enjoy the beauty without seeming to look
through a prison fence!

I hope this day brings good things your way.


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Dreaming!
    I'm thrilled that you got to be a mother
    and are looking forward to the joy of a grandchild.
    I never was able to have children,
    but I was blessed to spend my career in the company of children, and I have the most wonderful nieces and nephews!
    It looks like winter where I am ~ just like where you are.
    But then, I think we're only a few miles apart!

    Enjoy your day, lucky Mom!

    1. We are only a few miles apart. Some day we will need to get together face-to-face!
      I am a lucky mom. Thanks!

  2. Happy Mother's Day! I am glad you have sons medicine can be so wonderful sometimes! Being a Grandma is even better, less work and you can sleep all night! Looking forward to seeing that baby! Snow, I heard we may get some too:(

    1. I am looking forward to handing the grandchild off when I am ready to go on and do something else! I just hope I get to see the baby enough!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. The weather could not ruin this day of love.

    Happy Mother's Day.

    1. I actually enjoyed our snowy day. We didn't need to go out, so I just wallowed in self-indulgence!


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