Saturday, May 30, 2015

May Campout

We Dreamers belong to a camping group of people who all own the same type of motorhome. Now, whether one can call spending time in a 36'-45' home on wheels, with heat and ac, indoor plumbing and at least two TVs "camping" is debatable! But, we do enjoy getting together, sitting around a campfire, catching up and relaxing.
Our most recent trip was somewhat of an exception. We somehow missed the 'sitting around the campfire' bit. Within an hour of our arrival at one of the nearby State parks, the skies opened up. The rain continued for the entirety of our trip.
We did discover that we could seat 16 people in the hosts' motor home! I would have taken a picture, but I couldn't reach into my pocket to get my phone out, since we were wedged in so tightly. (Just kidding... Dreaming simply forgot to take that picture, as always!)
We had plenty of fun things to do. The group visited the Denver Mint and the History Colorado Center. I really liked the emphasis on water conservation at the Center. That is such a crucial aspect of life in this area. The Center had many well thought out hands-on activities that engage kids of all ages.
We also toured Stranahan's Distillery. The tasting at the end was motivation enough to take the free tour, but to be honest, it was very interesting and our guide was knowledgable and entertaining.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Where the Deer and the Antelope Play

This morning Mr. Dreamy noticed some yearling deer playing in the front pasture. They were bucking and kicking, and chasing each other around the thickets of wild current. If you wanted to make an illustrated dictionary, they were a perfect illustration for the word: gamboling. We went from window to window, trying to see them under and around our few trees. Their antics brought smiles to our faces and made us giggle.
I was able to catch just a bit of their play on video. However, by the time I got the camera out, they were so far away from the house, that you can hardly see them. You may want to put the video on full screen! Even though the resolution isn't great, maybe they will bring a smile to your face, too!

Click HERE to see the video. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

In the Jungle

We are going green....

Our grass is green. 
The pasture is green. 
The trees are green. 

I live in an area that isn't normally very green, and it is amazing to see how things look after almost a week of rain, on top of a rainy/snowy spring. Mr. Dreamy's new weather station indicates that we have had 2.5 inches of rain in May (all of 11 days), and 4.5 inches since it was installed some time after April 1. That's a lot of water for an area that normally gets 15.24 inches of precipitation a year!

Our grass is growing, and with the wet ground and water/snow falling from the sky we haven't been able to mow. It's a jungle out there!

Elephant exits grass jungle to cross glacial snow
left over from Mother's Day storm. 

Notice the sad day lilies in the background.
Their height was somewhat compromised by our  9" of wet snow!

Things are growing so well that one community issued citations and threatened fines for not mowing lawns! The story is available on

Crazy weather...

Perhaps this week we will be able to take care of our own little jungle!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day and More

For many years Mother's Day was simply a smack in the face: a brazen reminder of my repeated failures to carry a child to term. Although the day presents us with the opportunity to reflect upon our own mothers, and to celebrate their love, it can also bring sadness for those of us who have lost our moms, and for those who yearn to be a mother but can not, and for those, perhaps, who become mothers under unfortunate circumstances. 

After several years, failed attempts and medical intervention, I was finally able to have two wonderful boys. 

They are the light of my life. I cherish all of the memories of their lives as my children and I am in awe of the wonderful men they have grown to be. Son #1 has married, and thus bestowed upon me the title of "Mother-in-Law",  further enriching my role as a mother.

And Son #1 and DIL are soon going to have their own wee one...
and I will be a Grandmother!

Z's mom communicates with "The Little One"

Such blessings!

On another note....

It seems we have begun a new Mother's Day tradition here in Colorado.
Last year, we celebrated the day with snow.

This year we had a repeat performance.
This is what my tulip bed (featured in the previous post)
looks like this morning.
Oh - notice the beautiful fence Mr. Dreamy installed,
so we could enjoy the beauty without seeming to look
through a prison fence!

I hope this day brings good things your way.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The landscaping around our new home is lovely. ("What?!", you say?  A "new" home??? It's a long story and you really...