Sunday, February 25, 2018

Afternoon of the Arts

Recently I organized "The Afternoon of the Arts". This was the culminating show for the Paint Chip Challenge projects. It was a lot of fun for viewers and participants alike. We had only 12 15 projects. Yes, I was disappointed. But I was surprised by the variety of projects and by the artists. People I had never met and who were not a member of our Creations Guild also participated.

Inspired by a quilted jacket my mom made, I put together a wall hanging using many of her techniques. I find it fascinating that even though may mom passed away fifteen years ago, I am still learning from her! My wall hanging also included some of Mom's fabrics. The Challenge colors were perfect for a project with flowers... lots of pink, lots of yellow and a soft blue/green. Here is a sneak peek.... it isn't quite finished in this shot.

The night before the projects were due I decided to try my hand at pastels to have one more thing to display at the show. I wasn't all that displeased.

Several of the Guild members came to help put up the show. I was in awe of how artfully they arranged the entries. We had ceramics, needle point, a beaded bracelet, flowers and stained glass. We had a two full size quilts and two quilted wall hangings. We had painted metal, painted pine cones and even a painted coconut!

What thrilled me most was that people came! Our show ran from 4 - 6 PM. The club bar opened early and offered Happy Hour prices. We had slips where folks could vote for "Viewers Favorites". Almost 60 slips were turned in! We also sold tickets for a quilt raffle. We sold $270 dollars worth of tickets at the show, and another $170 the next morning before the show was taken down. 

Here are some shots from the show:

And the viewers favorites:

 Yes, that would be my hanging with the first place ribbon. I felt a bit chagrinned.



  1. Bravo, looks like you've found your niche.

  2. Your wall hanging is beautiful! I also like the painting of the little girl what an expression she has on her face! What a fun challenge! :)

    1. The title of the painting was, "I Hate This Hat". The artist gave her granddaughter a hat for Christmas and the little girl thought the pom-pom was too big. She humored Grandma and wore it... but she wasn't happy!!

  3. Dear Dreaming, why chagrinned????? Your work is evocative; it drew me to it immediately. Congratulations not only for your first-place ribbon but for the success of the whole show! Peace.


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