Thursday, November 2, 2017

Almost Home

When we left California it seemed that our trek across country would never end. Now, as we approach our final destination in southern Florida, it doesn't seem so bad. We have certainly taken a leisurely route. We refer to it as the "Three Thirty Rule" meaning we will travel no more than 330 miles or arrive no later than 3:30 PM. Certainly our trip has taken more days than it could have, but the quality of our days has been so much better. (IE... we aren't bitching at each other ...... as much!!!)

Our travels up to Jacksonville
We arrived in the Jacksonville area on Friday, and spent the weekend with family before moving on to our home near Labelle, FL. We were anxious to see the resort, as Hurricane Irma went right over it. And everyone had reported that although there was damage, it was not anything like it could have been. The staff of the resort has been (and remains) very busy cleaning up debris and broken limbs. The pines, oaks and palms are all a bit thinner than they were, and limbs seem to droop a bit more than in the past.

Last year I took a picture of the palms reflected in the mirror of our motorhome. I took a second shot of it last night. It shows the impact of the hurricane on the palms. They look so sad.

Here is another before and after shot. The first is a picture of our lot with the huge oak at the back and a pretty Bismarck Palm in the front. Compare this picture to the one I took this evening.  What a difference.



  1. Oh my, I hope there are no more bad storms for a long time. The trees will come back but it takes time:) Enjoy the sunshine!

    1. Nature has a way of thinning plant life... and it will be better for it. I'm just thrilled that the oak didn't fall!

  2. that looks pretty bad, but at least the oak survived and will hopefully fluff out again. This must have been a great trip. When I moved from Princeton to CA, we mostly went on old Route 66, which I loved.

    1. We have hit portions of 66. There is an organized RV tour that does the route and maybe some day we will do that.
      It will probably take years for the oak to fill in, but the storm probably did it a favor by getting rid of weak and damaged limbs.

  3. Dear Dreaming, for nearly two months I've been away from blogging so I missed your trip across the country from one coast to another. You are there now. I hope that your house will become a home where you feel content and where you can begin to cherish the changes you have just gone through. Peace.

    1. We are enjoying our time in Florida. It is nice to know we have a place to go to when it gets too darn hot here!


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