Sunday, December 28, 2014


So, here I sit...with nothing to do! 
What an incredibly foreign feeling!

The last few weeks have been so very busy. 

I made gifts for all:

I painted gourds,
both big and small,

(Thank you, dear DIL, for sending pictures!)

I dusted off the sewing machine
and made wool hats for all:

I tried my hand at quilting,
here's jacket one of two.

As you can see, 
I didn't lack for something to do!

Then we found out we're gonna be Grandparents in May,
(Oh, what a great feeling... what a great day!)

So I made this soft pillow creature for the babe on its way!

Every baby needs cowboy booties for their feet
Thanks to Holly (mother of the mother of the babe to be)
I have a picture of the ones I crocheted.. how sweet!

I had to clean the house and get guest rooms ready. As you may recall, one of my November projects was to get the basement habitable and pleasant. Son #2 declared it to be cozy and inviting! He was quite pleased with his own man cave!

My vacuum decided it wouldn't suck. Well, that sucked! So off we Dreamers went to get the replacement, so at least some dog hair could be removed before guests arrived.

The Christmas tree decided it didn't want to off the guys went to find a better Christmas tree stand. We got it upright and decorated just in time!

Then, there was the food.... We enjoyed our family's traditional Swedish smorgasbord on Christmas Eve, with lots of interesting dishes. I will have to say how lovely it was to have my DIL's mom as an assistant chef in the kitchen! Son #1 prepared breakfast for all one day, treating us to his purple cornmeal pancakes. And, we created a portable Christmas meal to take to my Dad's. 

What a whirlwind of activity! 

Family came in on the 20th and 21st. Then it was over, with another burst of activity as folks packed, decorations were pulled down and hastily put away, laundry (was it 5 loads, or 6?) was washed, dried and folded, and rooms were put back to rights. 

We put one person on a plane late on Christmas. My brother and his wife left the next the snow. We made a trek to the airport with two others yesterday. And, sadly, son #2 just left. 

All is quiet. Too quiet!

We were supposed to leave this morning. Bright and early. Our motor home is in Florida, awaiting our arrival. However, Mr. Dreamy received an email late yesterday that the service center still needs a part. Trust me...there was a lot of blue air swirling around upon reading that pronouncement. It didn't seem prudent to make a 1600 mile drive with dogs and stuff...only too find out we couldn't begin our winter wanderings. we sit until Mr. Dreamy can touch base with them tomorrow. 

Frankly, after the rush of the past weeks, it feels good! Very good, indeed!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday, as well, and that perhaps you are also enjoying a bit of a break from the insane rush of Christmas!


  1. It is a blessing to have family around.

    May the parts come soon.

    Enjoy the quiet.

    1. I was so very happy and content - even the business induced happiness!
      Our concern about the parts is that the company that makes the motorhomes is closed until 1/5....

  2. You need a vacation after that! Congratulations on becoming Grandparents! Now you can sew up a storm for that baby...burp cloths, receiving blankets, bibs...quilts oh my:)

    1. I am looking forward to time with my sewing machine when we get back from our travels. I haven't sewn in so long, and probably did a year's worth in December alone!

  3. Let us know if you're in our area of Florida......that is, whenever the MH is done and you are on your way. Paul and Sue


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