Sunday, June 9, 2024

Goldilocks and the Three RV Lots

We began our NC visit to AppleValley Farm Motorcoach Resort by renting Lot #133 for 3 nights. This lot had a huge deck with lots of different seating options and two tables! The only drawback was there wasn't much shade.

We decided to change our plans about moving on to Kentucky, and stay here through Memorial Day weekend. We couldn't stay on Lot #133 as it had been rented for some of that time to another person. So, we moved to Lot #107. 

This was a lovely lot with a screened gazebo that we never used as it wasn't too buggy, and actually may have had more spiders inside than there were mosquitoes outside! The lot had large plantings all around and was shady most of the day. There was a nice table and several seating areas. There were also lovely flowers sprinkled throughout the landscaping. A plus for this lot was that it was closer to the dog park, and since I had hurt my foot, it made it easier to get the dogs out for a bit of a romp. 

Icing my foot after spraining/straining some tendons.
The "shoe" I'm supposed to wear is waiting on the chair!

And then our Jeep decided to go on vacation without us. We needed to stay longer. But, the lot was rented beginning June 5, so we had to move to our third lot. We are now on Lot #112. This lot is a pull-in site and we can see the small lake/pond out of our windshield. It has a lovely deck overlooking the water with a table and several comfy chairs and large umbrellas to shield against the sun. 

I feel so much like Goldilocks, trying different RV lots on for size and comfort! 

Oh, and to go along with the original story, I did see three bears! Actually, I saw Mama Bear and her three tiny, darling cubs! They were coming up a small driveway as we went by on the road. Sadly, I had not time to take a picture.


  1. They all look like deluxe spots to me...not just a bit of grass with a picnic table!

  2. Dreaming here, and you are right - lovely, deluxe, relaxing spots.


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