Friday, May 31, 2024

Cute & Durable - Hah!


"Pawsome" it says....

"Layered Durability" it says....
"Double the durability and lasts twice as long" it says.....

Two hours later:
Maybe not! says me! 

Definitely not, say Kaitlyn & Vicky.

If I'd simply thrown $15 in the trash, I wouldn't have had to clean up the mess and throw the remains in the trash!
If you'd done that, say Kaitlyn & Vicky, we wouldn't have had as much fun!
If I had thrown it away, says me, I wouldn't have to pick up poop adorned with pieces of "durable" green rubber!

1 comment:

  1. We try to find things that Sadie will not is hard. Pet Smart has a few things that she has had for awhile.


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