Friday, August 26, 2022

Our Summer Symphony - The Final Movement

The final movement of a symphony is generally a rousing piece that is fast, and loud. The fourth movement of our Summer Symphony may not have been loud, but it took on a faster tempo than any of the previous movements. We were on our way home! 

We said our “good-byes” to the group, some of whom were going on to Newfoundland, and turned our wheels south. Each night (except for a stay in New Hampshire to see my BFF, Marjie) found us in a different campground and we steadily progressed toward Florida: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and finally…. Home!

Our summer was memorable. It was fun. We saw so many wonderful sights and met so many wonderful people. We are fortunate to be able to compose and enjoy a summer symphony of our own design.

Marjie & Me

Marjie, Scott, Me, Zdzislaw

Marjie & Scott

Our odometer turns to 10,000 miles

Pups enjoy a campground in Georgia with their own yard

A visit with family: Me, Scott, Sue (Scott's sister) and Don

Florida welomes us

This is the reaction when we pull into our community.
The dogs love traveling, and never seem to be as excited to see home as we are.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but the vehicles are dirty from the trip - 
rode hard and put up wet!


  1. You sure put on a lot of miles! What a great trip. Lori Skoog

  2. You made a huge circle traveling! Wha a fun summer for you! The dogs look exhausted!

    1. LOL - the dogs always look exhausted! They sleep many hours of the day, whether on the RV or at home!


What thoughts do you have?

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