Friday, August 26, 2022

Our Summer Symphony - The Final Movement

The final movement of a symphony is generally a rousing piece that is fast, and loud. The fourth movement of our Summer Symphony may not have been loud, but it took on a faster tempo than any of the previous movements. We were on our way home! 

We said our “good-byes” to the group, some of whom were going on to Newfoundland, and turned our wheels south. Each night (except for a stay in New Hampshire to see my BFF, Marjie) found us in a different campground and we steadily progressed toward Florida: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia and finally…. Home!

Our summer was memorable. It was fun. We saw so many wonderful sights and met so many wonderful people. We are fortunate to be able to compose and enjoy a summer symphony of our own design.

Marjie & Me

Marjie, Scott, Me, Zdzislaw

Marjie & Scott

Our odometer turns to 10,000 miles

Pups enjoy a campground in Georgia with their own yard

A visit with family: Me, Scott, Sue (Scott's sister) and Don

Florida welomes us

This is the reaction when we pull into our community.
The dogs love traveling, and never seem to be as excited to see home as we are.

It's hard to tell from the picture, but the vehicles are dirty from the trip - 
rode hard and put up wet!

Monday, August 8, 2022

Summer Symphony - Third Movement

 On July 8 we were In Hermon, Maine and joined an Adventure Caravan group for a tour of the Maritimes. The third movement of our Summer Symphony is a lilting dance. It is very different in cadence to the first two movements. One day flowed into another, with arrangements for tours, travel, camp sites and some meals taken care of by the company. We simply followed instructions, just as the woman follows the man’s lead in a dance. We had nothing to worry about for 31 days, except keeping up with the beat and following the lead. On our trip we visited Québec, Gaspé, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island with 20 other RVs.

We traveled a lot - We ate a lot - We talked a lot - We learned a lot

Here is a quick summary of our caravan adventures: (A poem I shared with the group at the end of our trip)

Light houses, bus trips, pretty flowers, history

Cod Fishing, gannets and Anne with an E

Range lights, battles, Montmorency Falls,

Farming mussels, potatoes and oysters, we saw it all.

The French, Brits and Scots came, but first were Mi’kmaqs

Settlements, deportation, treaties and attacks.

Cathedrals, basilicas, churches and forts and

Rough roads, tight turns and where’s a Tim Hortons?

Tour guides, bus drivers, docents, and rangers 

"Explain us", describe, teach, and sing to us strangers.

Museums, restaurants, a pancake breakfast at eight,

Movies, musicals, drivers' meetings - don’t be late. 

Bag pipes, fancy footwork, what’s under the kilt?

See how rugs are hooked and barrels are built.

Boats, ships and steamers, on land and at sea:

Those for lobster, for tours, for fishing and sailing.

Lunches, lobsters, and fresh fish ‘n chips

Salmon, crab, mussels and scallops - delish.

Irvings, Sobeys, Canadian Tire and cute towns,

Visitor centers, optional stops and ice cream at COWS.

Souvenirs, t-shirts, hats, pins, tiny shops.

Distilleries, wineries, Alexander Keith’s brewery, with hops.

Memorials, gravestones, tributes to those who have passed,

Pick your card, get on the bus, find your seat, don’t be last.

Walking tours, historic places, National parks, scenic sights,

It’s been a great trip, good-bye and good night.

Here are some pictures showing highlights from our Maritime Minuet - in no particular order!

We didn't know that Ketchup Potato Chips were a thing in Canada!

The goats at Acadian Village wanted extra attention!

The "Arm of Gold" campground in North Sydney
 had wonderful walking trails with interesting objects

In Charlottetown, PEI

A modern lighthouse in Pointe-au-Père, QC

On the water in Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia

Snow Crab near No Sydney - can't get much fresher than this!

Chateau Frontenac from Old Town

From the courtyard of the Chateau

Yummmm... lobster!

Percé Rock 

College of Piping on PEI

Narrow streets in old town, Quebec City
A trip to Europe without jet lag!

Cute covered bridge near Metis Sur Mer

A visit to the recreated Port Royal settlement near Annapolis Royal

A section of the historic needlepoint in Annapolis Royal

Cute (Quebec)

Roosting Northern Gannets on Bonaventure Island, near Perce

Sainte-Anne Beaupre Basilica near Quebec
(The Pope was expected to visit in three weeks)

Tour Guide in Charlottetown, PEI

Hypnotized lobsters in Percé
(I learned to do this from my dad - folks on the 
trip were intrigued!!)

The guard at the gate to the fort in Halifax
There were so many amazing churches in the villages we traveled through - 
this one was actually at the Acadien Village.

Old building in the old town of Quebec

Another street scene in Quebec
The funicular to the upper part of the city is in the center

Our tour guide in Annapolis Royal

Another viewpoint from a trail at Arm of Gold campground in North Sydney

One section of the fresco carved by William deGarthe in Peggy's Cove

On the beach on PEI

Along the road, heading to Quebec

Halifax experienced a huge explosion in 1917 when a ship caught fire and explosives she was carrying detonated. Damage was extensive. The clock stopped at the time of the explosion, and this side of the City clock has been left at the position in which it stopped so many years ago.

I loved the colorful buildings we saw throughout our trip. 

This was a cove on PEI

And so the dance came to an end. 31 days of touring with Adventure Caravans. The third movement of our Summer Symphony came to an end, but the sweet sounds linger and bring a smile to my face.

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The landscaping around our new home is lovely. ("What?!", you say?  A "new" home??? It's a long story and you really...