Last night I started thinking about the book, "Love in the time of Cholera". I don't know that I've read the book, but the title came to mind as I contemplated how our lives have changed in such a short time. Googling the book led me to Daniel Defoe's "A Journal of the Plague Year", which apparently was inspiration for "Love in the time of Cholera".
I began web-site skipping, clicking on links and hopping from one site to another. At one I stopped to read a bit of Defoe's work, written in 1722. He wrote, "
We had no such thing as printed newspapers in those days to spread rumours and reports of things, and to improve them by the invention of men, as I have lived to see practised since." Hmmm, thought I, what an eloquent way to say "false news", which seemingly was an issue even in the 17th century (another Internet hop to see when newspapers were more widely printed in London).
Then a hop to a list of pandemic books:
The 20 Best Pandemic Books to Read During Coronavirus. (This being only one suggestion from about 357,000,000 results (according to Google) that flashed on my screen in 0.64 seconds) in the event you want to read about similar events, fact and fiction.
From there a link to "The Retreating Horizon of Time in Coronavirus Quarantine" by New Yorker author Don Chiasson. His piece begins: "
As space constricts, for many of us, to the four walls of our houses and apartments, time seems to have overflowed its usual containers. It feels as if we have stowed away in the belly of a ship, uncertain of the duration of the voyage and without a view of the stars to chart our positions. A day feels one way when we imagine weeks of this, another way when we imagine months. The port appears to be receding as we approach it: a week ago, it felt like the journey-less journey on the S.S. Sameness would be over in late March, then in early April. On Monday, “July or August.” News reports later that day seemed to suggest that we’d be living more or less this way until a vaccine for covid-19 was available, in perhaps eighteen months. (Much worse fates than boredom may await some of us, if the terrifying forecasts hold.)"
Reading this gave me pause (another hop to find that online dictionaries don't know the origin of this phrase) and reflect; being forced to stay home and have all the time I want to sew and create certainly seems novel (sic) today, but how will I feel in 2 weeks, 2 months, a year?!
Enough of this sobering, stressful stuff! I'm going to turn off the news. I'm going to stop my Internet hopscotch, I'm going to put my proverbial head in the sand and I'll show you a few things that have kept me occupied this week.
First, they are building five homes across the street from us. I hope that the company completes all of the homes, and that we don't end up staring at the shells of homes for years until our economy straightens out. They have been working steadily on them, and almost every day I stop and take a picture from the same place, showing three of the home sites. When the homes are finished I think it would be fun to make a slide show, somewhat like a time-lapse photo. Here are a few pictures:
March 1: Adding plumbing and digging footings |
March 6: Pouring concrete for the first 2 houses |
March 10: Block exterior walls complete on first 2 houses |
March 20: Roof trusses going up on first house |
I've been enjoying time in my sewing room. I have a wall hanging on my long arm quilting machine. I have almost finished the quilting.
Each day I try to make a whimsical bird. The birds will ultimately be used in a quilt that will be a gift to my brother and sister-in-law.
On Tuesday I had my annual Medicare "Wellness Exam". For those of you who aren't of the age, this check up isn't much of a medical check up, beyond making sure that you are breathing and your heart is pumping. This year the PA actually touched me to listen to my heart and lungs. Last year, I recall that the Doctor sat in a chair and asked me questions, and didn't come close as I had a horrendous cold.
On Wednesday I woke up with a UTI. Of course! Why couldn't this have come a day earlier when it would have been easy to get it taken care of? Due to the circumstances in which we find ourselves, I did not want to go to a medical facility in town and the office where I went for the wellness visit probably wouldn't be able to see me. However, I had received an email that a "Meet with a Doctor" app had just been approved by our care providers. I downloaded the app, and after waiting a bit, I was online, video-chatting with a doctor who prescribed some antibiotics for me. This was one of the easiest visits to the Doctor I have had in... well, forever! The UTI seemed to involve my kidneys. I have been experience discomfort over the kidneys for several days since my online visit, but I think it is finally clearing up.
On Thursday and Friday cove molding and tile was installed in our pool. We are thinking the pool will be a welcome relief to hot summer days if we can't travel to California as we have planned.
On Saturday I proposed a drive-in, driveway happy hour to our neighbors. They all said, "Yes"! I think everyone is itching to get out! We spread out on chairs and in golf carts and chatted for a bit.
On Sunday Gudrun Eria led a Quarantine Quilt-Along. She presented a pattern, and had four different video sessions on FaceBook. Other quilt artists participated as well. I pulled fabric from my stash and worked on the quilt for several hours during the day. My BFF introduced me to Gudrun and the Quarantine Quilt-Along, and she and I chit-chatted and sewed together through the magic of our iPhones. Gudrun and her production team put together a song playlist with 100 appropriate titles for "Life in the time of Coronavirus", which included songs such as:
Don't Stand so Close to Me (The Police)
In My Room (Beach Boys)
I Say a Little Prayer (Aretha Franklin)
U Can't Touch Me (MC Hammer)
Our House (Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young)
It's Gonna Get Better (Stars Go Dim)
I Will Survive (Gloria Gaynor)
Only the Lonely (Roy Orbison)
The pieces for the quilt make my long arm machine look like it is meant for drying laundry |
Gudrun is on the computer leading 4,000 some quilters around the world in making her quilt! |
I have placed many of the pieces on my "quilt wall" to see how they look.
I need a bigger flannel wall! |
I hope you are all hanging in there and staying healthy.