Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Looking Back

While visiting friends near San Antonio, we were treated to a trip to Luckenbach. Yes, the Luckenbach brought to fame by Waylon Jennings, with help from Willie.

I expected a bit more, for a place so famous well known revered in song. I guess on a nice day, on a weekend, with lots of people, and music, Luckenbach might seem a bit livelier!

We brought  the population up to 9. With the 7 folks in the bar, 
Luchenbach's population swelled to 16. Huge!

Carlos, Donna, Mr. Dreamy, Jeanne & Luis
in front of one of about 5 buildings in town. 


  1. We were very surprised at its size also and we have a picture in front of post office also

    1. Did you go on your bikes? I guess folks stram in there on weekends and it is quite lively!

  2. We have friends with that last name and she has researched the family tree but so far they haven't made it to Texas so I sent them this link. See you in May !!

    1. It was named after the town's founder, way back when, so there might be a connection.
      Looking forward to summer and sunshine!

  3. I never would have guessed it was so small:)


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