Thursday, January 25, 2018

Energizer Bunny

It took a few weeks for me to recover from the "gift" I received from my wonderful grandchildren - like the little Drummer Boy they had nothing to give... so they gave us their colds! Recovery was slow; it came day by day. My ears continue to be clogged. They snap and crackle and I feel like I have water in my ears from swimming. But, most importantly, I have my energy back!! Hooray!

My days are very, very busy! A typical day goes something like this:

7:45-ish: Walk the dogs. If I walk the perimeter of the RV resort it is just over 1.1 miles. Some days I don't have the wherewithal do go all the way around, but other days I take twists and turns to add steps to my walk. Gypsy is thriving on our new regimen. She has lost a few pounds and is keeping them off. Wish I could do the same! I know that Tucker has had enough of a walk when he stops pulling on the leash!

9:00-ish: Ride my bike down to the Nature Center (our craft center) to participate in some sort of craft class. I am either the student or the teacher. I have already taught the "Mystery Quilt" classes, and a cloth basket class. When no class is scheduled I might be working on one of my quilting projects.

This is the beginning of Week 3 of the Mystery Quilt.
No one knows why the "Nature Center" was originally constructed,  but over the years it has become the crafting area. Sadly, it has screen windows covered in plastic and no heat or A/C. Some days this winter it has been darn right cold!
11:00-ish: Head to the Pickleball courts and teach a beginner class. I have experienced twinges of tennis elbow, so I am taking it easy. I have only played a few games since before Christmas, and those that I have played, I have played with my off hand. Sometimes after pickle ball I head back to the motorhome; I squeeze into my bathing suit and head to the pool for a few laps... and a shower.

Afterwards, I head to the motorhome to take the dogs out. Some days I tie them outside, which they dearly love, and enjoy my lunch while reading a magazine or a book.

12:45: If it is a Monday, Wednesday or Friday I hop on my bike and head to the club house to play Mahjong. I am just learning but I love the game. This week I won three games in a row; it had nothing to do with skill and everything to do with luck!

4:00: Take the dogs to "Yappy Hour" at the dog park. Sometimes most days Tucker gets in trouble for chasing the other dogs. Or, Gypsy gets in trouble for defending her "little" brother. We have begun to take the dogs before everyone arrives, or later, after most of the dogs are tired. Tucker's herding instincts just can't be curbed!

One of the puppy dads had treats to give out at Yappy Hour.
It was amazing how well behaved the dogs were as they waited a turn to get their treats.
Other days bring other activities:
  • The Bocce ball courts have just been redone. Bocce is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
  • I have played water volley ball. That's on Thursday afternoons.
  • Line dancing is on Tuesday mornings. We also have the opportunity to do yoga or Zumba in the mornings. 
  • Mr. Dreamy races RC (Radio Controlled) cars on an amazing race track. He also participates in a garden railroad club.
  • Tuesday nights are movie nights.
  • We often have entertainment on Friday or Saturday evenings. 
  • Ping-Pong will begin next week on Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM
  • BINGO is played every Monday evening. I am probably not going to participate this year. I get too tense as I'm waiting for someone to yell out "BINGO"! and I didn't win once last year.
  • Bunco is played every other week on Thursday evenings.
  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings mean pizza, burgers or wings, respectively.
  • .... and the list goes on!
This year Mr. Dreamy decided to get a boat. The resort is on the Caloosahatchee River and has slips for mooring boats. The boat was purchased before Christmas but because of a monumental goof-up by the dealer we didn't get it registered until this week. Now we can enjoy going out on the river,... but we will have to find the time to do that!

How Does Your Garden Grow?

The landscaping around our new home is lovely. ("What?!", you say?  A "new" home??? It's a long story and you really...