Monday, May 11, 2015

In the Jungle

We are going green....

Our grass is green. 
The pasture is green. 
The trees are green. 

I live in an area that isn't normally very green, and it is amazing to see how things look after almost a week of rain, on top of a rainy/snowy spring. Mr. Dreamy's new weather station indicates that we have had 2.5 inches of rain in May (all of 11 days), and 4.5 inches since it was installed some time after April 1. That's a lot of water for an area that normally gets 15.24 inches of precipitation a year!

Our grass is growing, and with the wet ground and water/snow falling from the sky we haven't been able to mow. It's a jungle out there!

Elephant exits grass jungle to cross glacial snow
left over from Mother's Day storm. 

Notice the sad day lilies in the background.
Their height was somewhat compromised by our  9" of wet snow!

Things are growing so well that one community issued citations and threatened fines for not mowing lawns! The story is available on

Crazy weather...

Perhaps this week we will be able to take care of our own little jungle!


What thoughts do you have?

I knew I Could - Vickie's A-musings

Hi, I'm Vickie, and I just had some great fun! I earned 4 ribbons!! Sweet! Me with two of. my 4 ribbons I just knowed I could do it. I&#...