Saturday, February 12, 2011

Nothing Tastes as Good as Being Thin Feels

I keep repeating my title statement (envision Dorothy with the red shoes...that's me with this statement!) and I receive some extra resolve, but some times it just doesn't work. This was a tough week. The BloggerButt fought hard and dirty. Due to the hideous weather at the start of the week the BloggerButt and I were forced to fight at close quarters. With temperatures in the single digits, at best, and snow falling now and again, I found myself holing up inside. The roads were so bad that we cut our work short on two days and didn't go to the new house (my exercise project)  for three. Uh oh! That means I'm near the computer...and sedentary habits of visiting Blogs..AND I'm near the cupboard and the fridge with all of those goodies hidden inside!
But, the tally for this week's skirmishes puts me ahead of the BloggerButt, again!

I was

V * I * C * T * O * R * I * O * U * S

So, this week I will again continue to use the Weight Watchers tracking tools. That really seems to make a difference. I usually end up going over my daily point allotment, but they have built in extra weekly points and I usually manage to stay within them. I hope to get out riding some more and of course, I have more tile to knock off the walls and soon painting will begin. That will provide exercise AND keep my hands full so I can't snack!
Good luck to all of my BloggerButt friends out there. Together, we can do this!!



  1. Yay you. Sounds like your doing great. Good to hear your renovations for moving forwards!!

  2. I love Weight Watchers! I think that's my favorite dieting program I've tried. Unfortunately I had to stop it due to not enough money to keep up with the healthy food! I do plan to get back to getting into shape here soon though! I wish you luck on your journey :)

    Talented K9


What thoughts do you have?

I knew I Could - Vickie's A-musings

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